ITML has organized the 5th plenary meeting of I-MECH, which is one of the biggest ECSEL projects. The event was launched with a welcome speech given by the ITML director Dr George Bravos followed by a short introduction presented by project coordinator Ms Arend-Jan. The meeting’s agenda was full of various administrational and management topics and presentations dedicated to I-MECH work packages, building blocks, pilots, use cases and demonstrators.
Furthermore, four different break-down sessions were organized giving the partners the opportunities to discuss and elaborate the I-MECH integration and validation activities. In this project ITML is leading the dissemination and exploitation activities. In this regard, Dr Siranush Akarmazyan has demonstrated the results obtained during the last six-month period highlighting the essential information required for the successful performance during the 2nd project review meeting. At the meeting closure, the upcoming plenary meeting was scheduled for April 2020 at the premises of the Institute of Electronics and Computer Science in Riga, Latvia.