atmos application
Atmos is a desktop application for Cargo Heating Monitoring. It is being developed and maintened for Hydrus.
The application
Cargo Heating Monitoring Service is based on the consideration that a comprehensive voyage-specific cargo heating plan could reduce emissions and heating costs. The first step of the service is the development of a ship specific thermodynamic model for the calculation of the heat losses of each tank as well as of the heat transfer via the heating coils.
The process
Having developed the thermodynamic model, the following process is followed on a voyage by voyage case: The master submits the loading configuration data at the beginning of the voyage Based on the above data, the preliminary heating plan is developed and forwarded to the company A ship specific heating log is filled and submitted daily and the preliminary heating plan is adjusted accordingly. At the end of the voyage, an overall assessment with respect to the theoretical / proposed plan as well as to the fuel oil consumption is carried out.