Productive4.0 annual convention with preliminary results
The first Productive4.0 General Assembly reflected the dynamic and innovative development of the huge project with 108 partners from 19 European countries.
Transforming Transport in ITMLs premises
On the 2nd of March, 2018 the Transforming Transport WP10 Session Meeting took place at the ITML premises.
I-BiDaaS Kick-Off Meeting
The I-BiDaaS Kick-Off meeting was successfully launched on 17-18 January, 2018 at the FORTH premises.
ITML at kick-off meeting of I-MECH project in Malta
I-MECH is an EU-funded project with the objective to bridge the gap between the latest research results and best industrial practice in advanced mechatronic.
ITML at the 2nd TT project meeting in Madrid
TransformingTransport is an EU-funded project that represents a strong consortium of 47 leading transport.