The 4th plenary meeting of the I-MECH project took place on 3-5 June 2019 in Pilsen Czech Republic hosted by ZAPUNI. Launched on June 2017, I-MECH is an ECSEL project which aims to strengthen the European Industry by bringing in advanced smart motion control systems. The high added values of this project are the I-MECH platform with its eleven unique smart components (named as building blocks (BBs)), which will be directly implemented and validated in various industrial motion control fields. In this project, ITML has a central position. On one hand it conducts technical activities by bringing in various predictive analytics for failure managements using different sensor data. In this context, ITML collaborates with several well recognized companies and universities in Europe including J&J Vistakon, Tyndal UCC, EDI.
On the other hand, it leads the dissemination, exploitation and communication activities of the project. The context and the main objective of the 4th plenary meeting was to unfold the latest updates regarding the I-MECH BBs, sketch the initial plan of their integration within the I-MECH pilots, use-cases and demonstrators and inspect the initially defined KPIs for measuring the success of the dissemination and exploitation activities of the project. In this respect, ITML has presented the recent achievements and the vital steps required for the successful attainment of the metrics within the remaining timespan. In overall it was a productive meeting, as all partners obtained straightforward vision of the project’s current status and came up with clear action plan for the next six-month period. At the meeting closure, the next plenary meeting was set up for October 2019 and agreed to be organized by the ITML team in Athens, Greece.