Mrs Anna Maria Anaxagorou, Ms Miriam Bagni Siwale, and Ms Spyridoula Vlataki from ITML, started their secondment in January 2022, at École des Ponts ParisTech. Their secondment is linked with two work packages, WP3 and WP4. “Smartship Circular-Economy based functional architecture design” for WP3 and “Smartship Baseline framework IoT and advanced data analytics” as WP4. Specifically, ITML will be responsible for the design of the general architecture for the SmartShip project (WP3), while will also design and develop the IoT-based data analytics module of SmartShip (WP4), which will be the core of the multi-level optimization of the vessels’ operation and management in terms of fuel consumption, energy efficiency, emissions, and circular economy principles.