cyber security
Boosted by Machine Learning
to keep your infrastructure safe

The business need
Digital transformation is turning IT Operations into the most significant element of daily business activities. Corporate assets are also transforming due to the continuous abstraction and convergence of ICT resources. Cloud and mobility have multiplied operational challenges while creating at the same time new business opportunities.
Digital business and its operations generate new, diverse, cyber security challenges in terms of everyday productive engagements but also in terms of compatibility with regulation, compliance and financial governance. As online transactions and data are growing exponentially, cyber threats are the norm, not the extraordinary. IT security is now an integral part of business operations and a critical element of corporate activity.
Infrastructure monitoring
Threats & vulnerability alerting and reporting
Cybersecurity events’ & remote incident management
Monitoring & assessment automation
Realtime process & detection monitoring
Security posture monitoring & assessment reports
Managed Services
The Stack
Infusion Agents are installed on monitored hosts and collect operational data. The Infusion Manager collects and analyzes data transforming them to exploitable information.
The Infusion Manager can also initiate inbound port scanning and vulnerability assessment of monitored infrastructure. The Web User Interface visualizes the information and enables management and mitigation of risk for the monitored infrastructure