Through the years, the drone market has extended from remotely operated flying devices to Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) that can operate autonomously Beyond Visible Line of Sight (BVLOS), introducing capabilities such as environmental sensing and independent decision making and enabling highly reliable and secure air to ground communication. ADACORSA targets to strengthen the European drone industry and increase public and regulatory acceptance of BVLOS (beyond visual line-of-sight) drones, by demonstrating technologies for safe, reliable and secure drone operation in all situations and flight phases.
Fifty (50) partners from 12 countries – among which global leaders in the semiconductor, telecommunications and ICT industries – will drive research and development of components and systems for sensing, telecommunication and data processing along the electronics value-chain. Additionally, drone-led smart industries with high visibility and place for improvement will be developed which will pave the way for a higher public / industry acceptance of drone technologies. Within ADACORSA, consideration will be given to drones that can operate BVLOS and can dynamically change their flight plan and mission according to prevailing conditions.
The role of ITML
In ADACORSA, ITML will support the design process of user acceptance surveys that will be carried out in order to produce the envisioned user acceptance models for drones. ITML will also deliver a preliminary design of the market impact analysis based on the project’s technological advancements, and of the roadmap towards the adoption of ADACORSA technologies by the EU drone market..