The CYRENE project, aimed at enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructures against cyber threats in supply chains, has completed Module C of the Horizon Results Booster. This service promoted and funded by the European Commission, is designed to assist researchers and innovators in maximizing the impact of their projects, with Module C focused on the development of a concrete dissemination and exploitation strategy. The service provided the CYRENE project teams with the tools to identify and reach our stakeholders and target audiences, thereby enabling the maximization of the impact of our research activities.
The dissemination and exploitation strategy developed through Module C ensured that all 13 Key Exploitable Results (KERs) owned by various project partners would reach their intended audience, thereby optimizing the CYRENE project’s impact. The strategy relied on a series of seminars and workshops, working on 3 reference KERs: the RCA Methodology, DVATS & EVEREST, selected to bring together stakeholders from academia, industry, and public institutions. Participants exchanged knowledge, ideas, and best practices, and the workshops facilitated engagement, opinion exchange, and the addressing of any inconsistencies in exploitation roadmaps. All the experience gained from these activities will be applied at a subsequent time, to all project’s KERs.
The Horizon Results Booster’s expert provided invaluable feedback and suggestions during the development of the dissemination and exploitation strategy. Her insights and recommendations refined the approach, ensuring the dissemination of all KERs effectively.
The final report from the Horizon Results Booster’s expert will prompt the next step, which is the Business Plan Development service offered by Module C. The project team will work with the same expert to identify potential commercial applications for the KERs and develop a strategy for bringing them to market.
The Module C of the Horizon Results Booster initiative has been a valuable resource in developing an effective dissemination and exploitation strategy for the CYRENE project. The organization of seminars, workshops, and other communication activities ensured the maximum impact of all KERs developed under CYRENE. The next step will be the development of a business plan to identify potential commercial applications for the KERs, which will optimize the CYRENE project’s impact further.
- The official website of the European Commission:
- The Horizon Results Booster website:
- The CYRENE project website:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 952690. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.