The 5th plenary meeting of the CYRENE project took place on the 8th and 9th of February 2022. The meeting was hosted online by the coordinator due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Project Coordinator kicked off the session with an overview of the progress, upcoming milestones, and administrative issues of importance for the following months. The project’s Scientific and Technical Lead took over and coordinated a dedicated technical workshop during which, technical partners were able to demonstrate progress with respect to their contribution to the CYRENE MVP.
The Work Package Leaders took over and presented the progress achieved in their domain as well as the next steps. The meeting was concluded by reviewing the dissemination and exploitation results so far, as well as the overall strategy, discussing improvements and planning the standardization activities for the months to come.
The very productive event ended up successfully, as the partners discussed various subjects related to the scientific and technical advancements of the WPs and the organization of future actions of the project.