The fifth plenary meeting of the SENTINEL project took place on the 26th and 27th of April 2023, in Paris, France. The event was hosted by Airbus partners, and luckily almost all the SENTINEL partners met in person and participated physically in the event! The main purpose of the meeting was to present the results achieved since M18 and produce a solid plan towards the final integrated version of the SENTINEL platform. The project Work Packages (WPs) task status, the SENTINEL continuous integration and system validation and the SENTINEL pilot’s experimentation and evaluation approaches were the main topics that triggered a fruitful conversation among the partners during the two-day meeting.
However, it was a pleasure that we had the opportunity to meet up again with one of our External Advisory Board (EAB) members. His presence was crucial in the round table discussion session, which was held on the 2nd day of the meeting. A major part of the 2nd day focused on the technical workshop discussing SENTINEL platform improvements such as UX/UI patterns, user approach, manual of instructions for guiding the users, enriching Recommendation Engine, etc.
Heading to the third year of the project, the partners shared their ideas regarding the SENTINEL Exploitation strategy as well as the Standardization activities plan, in order to develop a thorough exploitation plan, aiming to outline our future steps and techniques for project results and identification of all relevant stakeholders in the exploitation value chain.