On the 5th, 6th and 7th of April 2022, UITP hosted in Brussels the Partner Board Meeting #5 of the SHOW project. In this event, it was impressive to see the SHOW consortium of around 100 partners to actively participate in a hybrid event. During Partner Board Meeting #5, both teams, one of the people attending physically Brussels and the other of people participating online, discussed for almost full 3 days.
Day-1 was dedicated to the project status update, covering the general progress overview and administration matters; the technical status update including demo sites status; the international collaboration and concertation activities; and the coming demo events & conferences. In addition, sessions were scheduled for discussion about dissemination and communication, covering the current status and next steps, the social media discovery and the future events. The activities of Day-1 ended with discussions about exploitation and standardisation status and next steps. Day-2 was named as “Demo sites day” and like that, quick updates from the Mega Sites, the Satellite Sites, and the Follower Sites were presented, while new Follower Sites were introduced. The last day of the Partner Board Meeting #5, Day-3, was organized for presentations and discussions related to the four sub-projects of the SHOW project, the business models and the impact assessment.
ITML, as leader of activity linked to the social media multiplication strategies and tools, discussed about the social media discovery as part of the overall dissemination and communication activities. In addition, due to our leading role in a second activity which is about user opinion discovery in social media, ITML reported, via the complete Sub-project (SP) 1 presentation, about the status and work of the period.