The FERMI project’s midterm review meeting

On May 15th, during our midterm review meeting, we reached a pivotal point in the FERMI project. Leaders from the seven Work Packages presented both the technological advancements and the non-technical aspects, such as pilots planning as well as policy and ethics considerations. The preliminary feedback from our project officer and the reviewers was received. ITML, serving as the technical coordinator, showcased several critical achievements alongside other project partners. A significant highlight was the successful integration of various project modules towards the 1st version of the FERMI integrated platform, marking a crucial step forward to pilots’ evaluation phases in addressing the complex challenges posed by Disinformation & Fake News (D&FN). The review featured a live demonstration of the FERMI platform, illustrating its capabilities through real-world scenarios which highlighted its effectiveness in managing and mitigating the spread of D&FN, in alignment with our project goals. 

Stay informed for further updates on FERMI’s progress and consortium’s collective efforts on project’s website and social media channels for continuous updates on project’s developments and achievements.