ITML is very glad to announce that another secondment has been started to our partner, CERC (ENPC, Ecole des Ponts Business School).
Ms Marilena Giannakopoulou, Ms Panagiota Papadopoulou, and Mr Kostas Doumpas started their secondments a week ago and will be active for 4 months.
Their secondments are linked with three work packages WP4, WP5 and WP6. “Smartship Baseline framework IoT and advanced data analytics” for WP4, “Smartship Decision Support and multi-layer optimization module” for WP5, and WP6 comes with the “Integrated Smartship framework, validation and piloting”.
Specifically, ITML is responsible for designing and developing the IoT-based data analytics module of SmartShip (WP4), which will be the core of the multi-level optimization of the vessels’ operation and management in terms of fuel consumption, energy efficiency, emissions, and circular economy principles.
Moreover, ITML is contributing to the tasks T5.2 & T5.3 from WP5 and T6.1, T6.2 & T6.4 from WP6.
The aforementioned tasks will focus on research, identification and reporting phases before the actual design and development of the decision support module of SmartShip.
WP6 dedicates to the integration and implementation of the SmartShip framework binding the maritime world with the ICT-oriented one towards a multi-layer optimization tool.
ITML is one of the main technology providers (EPS, ITML, BLS) that have expertise in providing tools and services in the maritime sector”.
We are wishing them good luck and creativity in their secondment time!