BRING-In is as a groundbreaking initiative aimed at making Intersex People (IP) more visible by targeting the Social and Healthcare (S&H) sector, where existing knowledge and awareness about Intersex Equality (IE) is very limited.
The overall objective is to promote IE in Greece, Hungary, UK and Bulgaria by educating S&H professionals on how to recognise, prevent and combat Intersex Discrimination (ID) on the grounds of sex characteristics while raising public awareness and advocating for the need to act upon the Human Rights (HR) violations that intersex people face. Bring-In main expected achievements are the following:
- Highlight of the existing needs and challenges of IP through the state-of-the-art research in all 4 participating countries.
- Development and implementation of a capacity building programme aiming to prevent and combat ID in the S&H sector.
- Creation of sustainable mechanisms promoting networking, exchange of relevant information and access to specialised resources for professionals of the S&H sector.
- Design and implementation of a dedicated awareness raising campaign, targeting professionals, policy makers and the public about IE and the HR violations IP face.
The BRING-In partnership represents a dynamic mix of well-respected and high qualified academic institutions, civil society organizations, human rights and LGBTI/ gender equality advocates and ICT experts and capacity providers (i.e. professional associations) that altogether will BRING-In all necessary knowledge, experience and resources to achieve the project objectives and expected results and by that way positively influence national and EU policy development in the field of intersex people’s human rights.
The role of ITML
ITML, using open-source technology, will develop an interactive Online Learning Resource Platform on Intersex Equality that will contain a wide range of resources, learning options and materials that professionals, stakeholders and the general public will be able to refer to, use and further disseminate so as to multiply the delivered impact to the demonstrated level of awareness, knowledge, and skills on intersex human rights in the targeted communities and across Europe. Overall, the Platform is expected to attract more than 500 active uses and 2500 visitors by the end of the project. It should be noted that the Platform will be maintained minimum for 5 years after project completions thus serving as valuable tool for the continuation and sustainability of the BRING-In results.