HiCONNECTS is 36 months European project that brings together companies, universities and research and technology organizations (RTOs).
The overall aim of the project is to develop heterogenous integration (HI) core technology solutions for energy-efficient and high-performance wireless/wired cloud and edge computing as well as automotive radar to solve two of the main state-of- the art roadblocks: the transmission of Internet of Things (IoT) data over the IT network and sensing of objects to enable Highly Automated Driving (HAD). The project will support major societal and industrial challenges by applying the developed technologies in key applications demonstrators in the areas of Automotive and Smart Cities and Public Health and Safety.
The Role of ITML
ITML contributes to the Smart Logistics and Digital Twining use-case and focuses on implementation, testing and validation of AI-based non-casual reasoning algorithms for human like understanding, as well as comparison with existing solutions.