The ‘OLEE’ project aims to enable this digital transition of the European engineering VET community. OLEE is the answer not only to the challenges of the pandemic but to the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) because it is supporting the European Commission’s vision for digital readiness and high-quality, inclusive and accessible digital Vocational Training in Europe not only for providing increased flexibility & adaptability of opportunities across EU.
Among its objectives, it is to design and pilot a Virtual Laboratory for Engineering Lab-work activities, to reinforce the ability of VET providers to provide high-quality, inclusive, digital education, to promote networking and collaboration between EU institutions, sharing of resources and expertise, to support towards the VET communities for the acquisition of digital competences and to strengthen the Engineering sector & building their resilience & digital capacity.
The role of ITML
ITML will be leading the first activity, the preparation and operation of the virtual online and real-time classes for vets of OLEE, on the basis of which all future actions will be realised.
Therefore, ITML is in charge of action entitled “Setting up the Online Experiments and the Virtual Labs for Technical Professions in VET”.
In particular, ITML will provide pieces of information and technical expertise on the content and materials to be developed as well as the expected elements for the certification requirements.
In addition, ITML will be giving further visibility to the project, will support the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) for the creation of an online community of practice, and will participate in the 5th Multiplier Event that will be organised by AKMI SA.