ITML traveled to Norway for the HEIR project plenary meeting and for participating in a roundtable discussion event on security and secure information exchange in the Healthcare Sector

On the 24th and the 25th of Jan. 2023 ITML participated at another HEIR plenary meeting that was held in Bergen, Norway, hosted by the Norwegian partners of the consortium. The technical partners, along with the pilot partners, came together to discuss among others the progress of the integrated HEIR framework deployment. The final steps and action points, toward the finalization of the technologies and the completion of the integration, were discussed. ITML, as the integration leader (WP5 leader), presented the status of the integration progress and prepared a time plan for the remaining activities until the end of the project. The delivery of the final version of the HEIR framework deliverable was also part of the discussion, which found the involved partners ready to start preparing its report. The consortium agreed to have the next and final project plenary meeting in CROYDON.
After the HEIR plenary meeting, ITML as part of the HEIR consortium participated in a roundtable discussion event on security and secure information exchange in the Healthcare Sector that took place on the 26th of Jan. 2023 in Oslo, Norway. The event was organized in a collaborative effort between HEIR project and several EU-funded R&I initiatives aiming at covering aspects related to cybersecurity in healthcare, secure information exchange in healthcare, funded projects’ collaboration activities, and healthcare providers’ participation in the NESIOT project. The key points that were discussed in the event are (a) the Security and Secure Information Exchange in the Healthcare Sector, (b) challenges and achievements of the participating initiatives (HEIR, NESIOT, NORCICS, EU-CIP, CybAlliance, JCOP, ECSCI, B-CRATOS, PHOENI2X and Cyber CNI), and (c) collaboration opportunities between the initiatives.