Connected and automated transport plays a key role in European strategies for clean and efficient transport, as well as safe transport (“vision zero”) and towards the development of the Digital Single Market. Shared, connected and cooperative automated vehicles may become a game changer for urban mobility. Towards this direction, SHOW brings together 69 organisations across the EU, coordinated by an international network of public transport authorities and operators and consisting of European leaders in the ICT, telecommunication, automotive and engineering industries.
SHOW aims to support the migration path towards affective and persuasive sustainable urban transport, through technical solutions, business models and priority scenarios for impact assessment, by deploying shared, connected, cooperative, electrified fleets of autonomous vehicles in coordinated Public Transport (PT), Demand Responsive Transport (DRT), Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and Logistics as a Service (LaaS) operational chains in real-life urban demonstrations all across Europe. SHOW will provide a reference architecture for autonomous vehicles by providing an interoperable environment to boost innovative connected vehicle-based business and services to allow communication and cooperation between vehicles, infrastructure and with other road users and to enable automated, smart mobility services, innovative fleet management concepts and higher performance of automated vehicle functions.
The role of ITML
In SHOW, ITML will lead the data analysis of the end users’ opinions in the social media regarding the level of acceptance of the services provided by autonomous vehicles implemented in SHOW pilots. Moreover, ITML will be responsible for the design and the deployment of multiplication strategies to social media in order to ensure maximisation of the dissemination and communication of SHOW outcomes.