
With 75% of Europeans residing in urban areas, which bear the brunt of the most disaster – related fatalities, TRIFFID aims to minimize loss of human life in a wide range of adverse scenarios. This pivotal objective will be accomplished through integrating Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) with a significant level of cognitive autonomy/artificial intelligence (AI) into First Responders’ (FRs) procedures. The main aspiration is to reduce the exposure of their personnel to harm and provide them with real-time reliable information from the disaster scene. More specifically, TRIFFID aims to optimize First Responder field operations through cutting-edge robotic reconnaissance, integrating autonomous platforms into European Civil Protection procedures, while addressing technological, operational, and training aspects for seamless adoption.

ITML’s role

In TRIFFID, ITML plays a multifaceted role, leading various tasks such as innovation management and exploitation planning, while contributing to the commercialization of the project outcomes. From a technical perspective, ITML focuses on the development and integration of AI and Data Processing methods and the construction of software infrastructure. Particularly, the company manages tasks related to non-visual data analysis and fusion, human-robot interaction (HRI) and human behaviour analysis. Through these endeavours, ITML contributes actively to the formulation of pioneering solutions for disaster response, directing in the development of advanced technologies for autonomous robotic reconnaissance. Moreover, ITML collaborates with project partners for the construction of the TRIFFID system, guaranteeing a holistic approach with sociotechnical integration and participatory design.